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4 nov 2021 · Actualización: 28 sept 2023

Best surgeons ever!

Vale la pena
Precio aprox: $ 100,000

Valoración de Kristacarroll91387:

These surgeons are truly amazing and have been there to help me along the way through every up and down. Their communication is phenomenal. They know what they’re doing and are their expertise is remarkable! I would recommend them to anyone. They have given me better care then any surgeon ever has here in America. Definitely going back to see them if I ever need anything!

I had a tummy tuck and breast reduction and lift in August 6th 2021. They did an amazing job and I’m incredibly happy with my results. They also found a hernia while I was in surgery and repaired that as well. The scars are very minimal and I feel and look great! They have been in communication with me every step of the way and still check in on my progress from time to time. I have never received this great of care, not even in the states! They genuinely care about their patients and getting the best results, health and cleanliness was top priority! They were and are very professional, caring and they are phenomenal in their expertise with what they do! I will definitely come back to see them if I want or need anything, I will always recommend them to people I know, hands down the best surgeons ever!

Me sometí a una abdominoplastia y a una reducción y levantamiento de senos el 6 de agosto de 2021. Hicieron un trabajo increíble y estoy increíblemente feliz con mis resultados. También encontraron una hernia mientras estaba en la cirugía y la repararon también. Las cicatrices son mínimas y me siento y me veo muy bien. Ellos han estado en comunicación conmigo en cada paso del camino y todavía comprobar en mi progreso de vez en cuando. Nunca he recibido una atención tan buena, ni siquiera en los Estados Unidos. ¡Ellos realmente se preocupan por sus pacientes y conseguir los mejores resultados, la salud y la limpieza era la máxima prioridad! ¡Fueron y son muy profesionales, cuidadosos y son fenomenales en su experiencia con lo que hacen! Definitivamente volveré a verlos si quiero o necesito algo, siempre los recomendaré a la gente que conozco, ¡sin duda los mejores cirujanos!


Comentarios (2)

Hi Krista, welcome and thank you for sharing your experience with us🥰

I'm glad to hear that everything went so well and the surgeons were so attentive to you (to the point of fixing THE HERNIA) 😱😱😱

So how are you now?? How was your recovery? Was it painful?

If you have photos you can share them with us so we can see your results!🙌
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