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8 jun 2021 · Actualización: 27 jul 2023

Abdominoplastia y mastopexia

Vale la pena

Valoración de LorenaH:

I cannot say enough great things about Dr Israel Grande, first and foremost he is a wonderful human being that truly cares for each and every patient. He is talented and very precise, giving you options with and without surgery. Results are always what was discussed and accurate. His staff is wonderful and always makes you feel comfortable.

No puedo decir lo suficiente sobre el Dr. Israel Grande, en primer lugar, es un ser humano maravilloso que realmente se preocupa por todos y cada uno de los pacientes. Es talentoso y muy preciso, lo que le brinda opciones con y sin cirugía. Los resultados son siempre lo que se discutió y son precisos. Su personal es maravilloso y siempre te hace sentir cómodo.

I cannot say enough great things about Dr Israel Grande, first and foremost he is a wonderful human being that truly cares for each and every patient. He is talented and very precise, giving you options with and without surgery. Results are always what was discussed and accurate. His staff is wonderful and always makes you feel comfortable.


Comentario (1)

Hi Lorena 😃,

Welcome to the Multiestetica Community, congrats for your surgery! How was the recovery? are you still using the compression garments?

We would love to see your results! How are your breasts? which brand of implants did the doctor put you?

¿Te gustadó esta experiencia? ¡Explícanos la tuya aquí!


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