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17 jun 2020 · Actualización: 18 sept 2023

Natural results in Cancún

Vale la pena

Valoración de AngyAbrego:

Great knowledge and attention to details.

Dr. Torres is the best. From the first appointment I knew that I will take the surgery with him. Dr. Torres is very professional kind and full with knowledge, in the same time so calm willing to answer all your questions. The surgery went so well that I didn't felt much pain. He did very good with the liposuction and the breast implants, he makes everything looks so natural that it's hard to tell you got it with surgery or not. After the surgery he keep in touch with you to make sure that everything is ok.

Because of the corona virus I couldn't go out so he send people from his team in my house to remove the stitches.

Overall he is great and I recommend him to anyone who want to do surgery with him, also I want to say that his assistant Robin is also great. She is so nice and kind that you feel like she is your friend long time. Also she have a lot of knowledge about the surgery's and also she provides a lot of information about the process. You are in good hands, the whole team is great, nice and professional


Comentario (1)

Hi Angy, welcome to the community! 😁 Such a great pleasure to read that you have had a really good experience. Tell me more about it, how many cc did you choose? Do you live in Mexico or did you just travel for the surgery?

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