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19 jun 2021 · Actualización: 4 oct 2023

I had a chin implant and rhinoplasty and the treatment plan for the surgery was flawless.

Vale la pena
Precio aprox: $ 38,000

Valoración de Ltarango:

I recently had a rhinoplasty and chin implant and my recovery is going great. The facility where my surgery took place was very clean and the staff was extremely helpful. I did experience some pain with chin implant but it was easily managed with pain medicine. I recommend anyone wanting surgery to go ahead and book your appointment now with Dr. Valero. You won’t regret it !

I have wanted to get a rhinoplasty since I was a teenager growing up I absolutely hated my nose and I also wanted to get a chin implant as my chin was very small and weak. I finally decided to get surgery this year. I found Dr. Valero after a thorough search on the internet and I really liked his rhinoplasty results they looked really natural and that’s what I was looking for. Dr. Valero and his team were extremely helpful with all my questions about the surgery and any other question that came about. I couldn’t of asked for a more dedicated team. I am now recovering from my surgery and I am ecstatic with the results. I recommend anyone that’s thinking of a rhinoplasty or chin implant to make an appointment with Dr. Valero. You won’t regret it.


Comentario (1)

Hi Ltarango, that's super cool, how are your results now? Please share with us your photos, I'm really curious 🤩

How long have you been in recovery?

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